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Hire Dedicated React developers

Engage us for a project, get retainer support, or directly augment your team with our proven React experts across the US and LATAM.

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Trusted and top rated tech team

We help SaaS and enterprise teams succeed with React

Let our expert team of front-end React developers help you ace your next project or scale your product team quickly. In addition to React, we’ll help you extend your React front-end using Next.js for SEO-friendly server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG).

Our disciplines include:

Our React services

Explore how Curotec’s expertise in enterprise solutions empowers the development and enhancement of React-driven products. As modern JavaScript practices evolve rapidly, we maintain a proactive stance, ensuring your applications remain aligned with the latest React standards. 

SaaS Product Development

Build, scale, and iterate your SaaS product with a team that knows React inside and out. We develop highly interactive SaaS products designed to delight users and scale with ease.

Enterprise Application Development

Enterprise organizations have a unique set of needs starting with the MSA and vendor approval and following through to process requirements and information security. We've got the experience your enterprise needs to hire us with peace of mind.

UI Refactoring and Modernization

We can help you modernize your app's interface with React incrementally, boosting design, user experience, and maintainability to yield immediate benefits now and greater benefits over time.

Headless Web Development

Leveraging the power of React and Next.js, we deliver seamless and engaging user experiences while utilizing API-driven headless or Jamstack frameworks for content management.

Single-Page Applications (SPAs)

Develop dynamic and interactive SPAs for fluid user experiences without constant page reloads. SPAs provide seamless navigation and content updates, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

UX/UI Design

Merge innovative technology and captivating design to create user-centric web applications. Our intuitive, responsive interfaces captivate users, adhering to the latest React standards and best practices.

React Native Cross Platform Mobile Apps

We help companies building with React leverage the power of React Native to enable cross-platform app development, cutting dev time dramatically with a unified code base for your product.

Ways to engage

We offer a wide range of engagement models to meet our clients’ needs. From hourly consultation to fully managed solutions, our engagement models are designed to be flexible and customizable.

Staff Augmentation

Get access to on-demand product and engineering team talent that gives your company the flexibility to scale up and down as business needs ebb and flow.

Retainer Services

Retainers are perfect for companies that have a fully built product in maintenance mode. We'll give you peace of mind by keeping your software running, secure, and up to date.

Project Engagement

Project-based contracts that can range from small-scale audit and strategy sessions to more intricate replatforming or build from scratch initiatives.

We'll spec out a custom engagement model for you

Invested in creating success and defining new standards

At Curotec, it is more than just the solutions we build. We value relationships between our people and our clients — that partnership is why CEOs, CTOs, and CMOs turn to Curotec.
Helping a Series B SaaS company refine and scale their product efficiently

Why choose Curotec for your React dev project?

With a proven track record and a commitment to staying at the forefront of technology, our talented teams ensure your React development is efficient, innovative, and future-proof.


Extraordinary people, exceptional outcomes

Our outstanding team represents our greatest asset. With business acumen, we translate objectives into solutions. Intellectual agility drives efficient software development problem-solving. Superior communication ensures seamless teamwork integration. 


Deep technical expertise

We don’t claim to be experts in every framework and language. Instead, we focus on the tech ecosystems in which we excel, selecting engagements that align with our competencies for optimal results. Moreover, we offer pre-developed components and scaffolding to save you time and money.


Balancing innovation with practicality

We stay ahead of industry trends and innovations, avoiding the hype of every new technology fad. Focusing on innovations with real commercial potential, we guide you through the ever-changing tech landscape, helping you embrace proven technologies and cutting-edge advancements.


Flexibility in our approach

We offer a range of flexible working arrangements to meet your specific needs. Whether you prefer our end-to-end project delivery, embedding our experts within your teams, or consulting and retainer options, we have a solution designed to suit you.

Curotec offers a variety of React development services

SaaS products

Develop and deploy Software as a Service (SaaS) applications rapidly, catering to diverse industries with the versatility of React.

Headless e-commerce

React and Next.js enhance e-commerce websites with interactive features, smooth navigation, and improved performance, boosting sales and customer satisfaction.

Headless / Jamstack CMS

Develop user-friendly CMS solutions with React and Next.js, simplifying content creation and management for businesses and content creators.

Progressive web apps (PWAs)

React enable the development of PWAs that provide engaging offline and mobile experiences, improving user retention and accessibility.

Server-side rendered pages (SSR)

Leverage server-side rendering native to React and Next.js to improve load times, increase search engine indexability, and enhance user experience.

Cross-platform mobile apps

Utilize React Native to create cross-platform mobile applications, reducing development time and costs while reaching a broader audience.

Hire React developers across the entire ecosystem

UI Component Libraries

We work with pre-built, customizable React components to accelerate UI development. Hire us to overhaul your React UI.

  • Material-UI: Offers a wide range of Google’s Material Design UI components.
  • Ant Design: A set of high-quality React components following Ant Design specifications.
  • Chakra UI: A simple, modular, and accessible component library that gives you all the building blocks you need to build your React applications.
  • Blueprint: Primarily for desktop applications, it offers a rich set of components and is optimized for complex data-dense interfaces.
  • Semantic UI React: The official React integration for Semantic UI, focusing on simplicity and theming.

State Management

We use state management tools to centralize the application state, making it easier to reason about your application’s flow and data.

  • Redux: A predictable state container for JavaScript apps, often used with React for large-scale application state management.
  • MobX: Simplifies state management with transparently applying functional reactive programming (TFRP).
  • Recoil: A state management library for React that provides several capabilities to manage global state.
  • Zustand: A small, fast, and scalable bearbones state-management solution using simplified flux principles.
  • Context API + useReducer (Built-in): For simpler applications, React’s own Context API combined with the useReducer hook can suffice for state management without additional libraries.


Curotec uses routing libraries to help manage navigation and URL manipulation in React applications. Are you ready to hire an expert React Software Development Outsourcing team?

  • React Router: The standard routing library for React, enabling the navigation among views of various components in a React Application.
  • Next.js: More than just routing, it’s a React framework that includes routing, SSR, static site generation, and more.
  • Reach Router: An accessible router which aims to be fully accessible and is a smaller, simpler version of React Router.
  • Navi: An experimental approach to routing for React that allows for large datasets and dynamic routes.

API and Data Fetching

We leverage various libraries for efficiently fetching data from APIs and managing asynchronous operations.

  • Axios: A promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js, often used with React for making HTTP requests.
  • React Query: Automates fetching, caching, synchronizing, and updating server state in your React applications.
  • SWR (stale-while-revalidate): A strategy to first return the data from cache (stale), then send the fetch request (revalidate).
  • Apollo Client: A comprehensive state management library for JavaScript that enables you to manage both local and remote data with GraphQL.


Our team works with numerous testing frameworks and libraries to test React applications and components.

  • Jest: A delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity, supporting snapshots, and more.
  • React Testing Library: Builds on top of DOM Testing Library by adding APIs for working with React components.
  • Enzyme: A JavaScript Testing utility for React that makes it easier to test your React Components’ output.
  • Cypress: An end-to-end testing framework that makes testing your React application easier and more fun.
  • Mocha: A feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and in the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun.

Build Tools and Development Environment

Curotec employs several tools that enhance the development experience, build processes, and project scaffolding.

  • Create React App: An officially supported way to create single-page React applications. It offers a modern build setup with no configuration.
  • Webpack: A static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications, often used with React for bundling applications.
  • Babel: A JavaScript compiler that allows you to use next-generation JavaScript, today, converting ES6+ code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript.
  • ESLint: A pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript, with specific configurations for React.
  • Parcel: An alternative to Webpack, it’s a fast, zero configuration web application bundler that works well with React.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Woman with a laptop
Curotec offers a comprehensive range of React services, including front-end development, single-page applications, web and mobile app development, and ongoing maintenance and support tailored to meet varying business needs.

Yes! We have a staff augmentation service model perfect for this type of need. Whether you need a React engineer for a short, medium, or long-term engagement, we can contract the right person to your team, and they will adapt seamlessly to your team’s tools, processes, and workflows. 

Absolutely! We handle migrations to React, ensuring a smooth transition with minimal downtime, increasing user experience, and optimizing performance.

At Curotec, we employ Next.js alongside React to build SEO-friendly, high-performance web applications. Next.js enables server-side rendering for React applications, which improves performance and optimizes the applications for search engines.
Yes, we leverage React and React Native to develop seamless and responsive web and mobile applications to ensure a unified and optimized user experience across platforms.
Indeed, we specialize in integrating React applications with various APIs, databases, and third-party services, ensuring seamless interoperability and enhancing functionalities.

Ready to have a conversation?

We’re here to discuss how we can partner, sharing our knowledge and experience for your product development needs. Get started driving your business forward.

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