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Ensure you've got engineering support

Curotec’s retainer engagement model offers a wealth of benefits to businesses seeking long-term collaboration and ongoing support. With this service, you gain access to a dedicated team of experts who get to know your codebase and can handle support requests, bugs, and new features whenever you need.

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Trusted and top rated tech team

Who benefits from a retainer engagement?

SMBs who don't need full-time staff

It’s a common case where SMBs have a website or custom software solution. They need to keep it up to date, running efficiently, and push through the occasional feature request. But, they don’t have the utilization or budget for a full staff of project manager(s), developers, QA, UX designer, and DevOps. That’s where we come in with fractional experts in each discipline.

Enterprises who need experts on call

Enterprises have a unique set of challenges. On one hand, they need to innovate to stay relevant, but on the other hand, they need to tread carefully when managing sensitive data and deploying customer-facing systems. That’s precisely why enterprise teams come to Curotec for system support and expert guidance when making important decisions with their tech stack. 

Why choose a retainer?

Whether you require regular maintenance, updates, or strategic enhancements, our retainer service is designed to provide the support you need when you need it.

Expertise across disciplines

With our retainer service, you have access to a dedicated team of experts across disciplines who understand your unique needs and goals. This ensures you receive personalized support and solutions tailored to your business.

Flexible prioritization

We offer flexibility in project prioritization, allowing you to focus on what matters most at any given time. Whether it's regular maintenance, updates, or strategic enhancements, you can allocate resources according to your evolving requirements.

Rapid implementation

Critical issues can arise at any time, and our retainer service ensures quick response times. You can count on us to address and resolve problems swiftly, minimizing downtime and disruptions to your operations.

Cost-effective support

Our retainer service is a cost-effective solution for businesses seeking ongoing support. It provides a predictable budget for your digital initiatives, while ensuring you receive top-notch assistance whenever you need it.

Invested in creating success and defining new standards

At Curotec, it is more than just the solutions we build. We value relationships between our people and our clients — that partnership is why CEOs, CTOs, and CMOs turn to Curotec.
Philadelphia Foundation
Building a donation platform that raised $18.5mm for Covid-19 relief efforts in one month

Why choose our retainer service?

Partner with Curotec for an exceptional team with deep technical expertise, a flexible approach, and rapid response times when you need it most. 


Extraordinary people, exceptional outcomes

Our outstanding team represents our greatest asset. With business acumen, we translate objectives into solutions. Intellectual agility drives efficient software development problem-solving. Superior communication ensures seamless teamwork integration. 


Deep technical expertise

We don’t claim to be experts in every framework and language. Instead, we focus on the tech ecosystems in which we excel, selecting engagements that align with our competencies for optimal results. Moreover, we offer pre-developed components and scaffolding to save you time and money.


Balancing innovation with practicality

We stay ahead of industry trends and innovations, avoiding the hype of every new technology fad. Focusing on innovations with real commercial potential, we guide you through the ever-changing tech landscape, helping you embrace proven technologies and cutting-edge advancements.


Flexibility in our approach

We offer a range of flexible working arrangements to meet your specific needs. Whether you prefer our end-to-end project delivery, embedding our experts within your teams, or consulting and retainer options, we have a solution designed to suit you.

Support that meets your needs

Website Maintence

Website platforms like WordPress need maintenance to stay secure and work well. We keep on top of those tasks so you can sleep well knowing your website is in good hands.

Application Support

Custom software must be managed and updated to keep it secure and running. We take that on so that you can focus on serving your customers.

Ongoing Backlog

If you have an ongoing backlog of tasks that require a cross-disciplined team but don't have the budget for half a dozen people, then our retainer model is designed precisely for you.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

A support retainer is an engagement model that ensures you have experts across multiple disciplines available to you when you need them without having to hire an entire in-house team. 

We’ll customize a bucket of hours based on your utilization needs. We may calibrate the bucket over time based on how much you’re using it. 

We have designed our engagements with flexible utilization in mind. If you don’t use all your hours in one month, you won’t lose them; if you go over one month, you won’t get hit with an extra bill. We take the average utilization over a quarter and spread it out so you can burst up and down as your business needs ebb and flow. 

No problem, we’ve got you covered! We’ll break that out into a separate project engagement and give you a quote for the work. You can continue using your normal support in parallel while we’re building out your larger project. 

Just like our retainers are flexible to customization, so is our communication process. Some clients like direct access to our Jira ticket system, others like a private Slack channel, and the rest like good old-fashioned email or meetings. We adapt to your working style and manage the details behind the scenes so that you can work how you like. 


Ready to have a conversation?

We’re here to discuss how we can partner, sharing our knowledge and experience for your product development needs. Get started driving your business forward.

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