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Hire Dedicated Node.js Developers

Engage us for a project, get retainer support, or directly augment your team with our proven full-stack JavaScript experts across the US and LATAM.

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Trusted and top rated tech team

We help SaaS and enterprise teams succeed with JS

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When it comes to building full-stack JavaScript/TypeScript applications, Node.js is the clear winner.  If you’re in need of experts who can build, deploy, and manage Node.js applications, you’ve found the right place. 

Our disciplines include:

Node.js focus areas

Our Node.js expertise enables powerful app development capabilities, bringing your product vision to life and ensuring you’re shipping features that delight your users.

We have engineers experienced in a number of different Node.js frameworks to ensure we hit the ground running.



TypeScript enhances the JavaScript language with a better developer experience and added syntax functionality. Our team is here to support your TypeScript and full-stack JavaScript needs.


With Express.js, we rapidly create robust web apps and APIs in Node.js, whether it's a single-page app, RESTful API, or comprehensive backend system.


Nest.js is our solution for scalable and maintainable projects. It is forward-thinking, enabling modular, efficient, and extensible applications with a microservices architecture focus, ensuring code maintainability.


Adonis.js is our preferred full-stack JS framework. It offers a robust foundation for frontend and backend development, facilitating the rapid creation of feature-rich solutions via streamlined development processes.


MongoDB is our top pick for NoSQL solutions. Its flexible, document-based structure enables efficient data management and retrieval, from simple storage to complex models.


Koa, similar to Express.js, emphasizes middleware composition, enabling organized and efficient app development. Its modern design and lightweight nature equip us to craft top-tier web applications.


Axios streamlines HTTP requests, facilitating seamless communication across your application for real-time interactions and data synchronization.

Ways to engage

We offer a wide range of engagement models to meet our clients’ needs. From hourly consultation to fully managed solutions, our engagement models are designed to be flexible and customizable.

Staff Augmentation

Get access to on-demand product and engineering team talent that gives your company the flexibility to scale up and down as business needs ebb and flow.

Retainer Services

Retainers are perfect for companies that have a fully built product in maintenance mode. We'll give you peace of mind by keeping your software running, secure, and up to date.

Project Engagement

Project-based contracts that can range from small-scale audit and strategy sessions to more intricate replatforming or build from scratch initiatives.

We'll spec out a custom engagement model for you

Invested in creating success and defining new standards

At Curotec, it is more than just the solutions we build. We value relationships between our people and our clients — that partnership is why CEOs, CTOs, and CMOs turn to Curotec.
Replatforming a clinical decision support tool used by physicians globally

Why choose Curotec for your Node.js development project?

With a proven track record and a commitment to staying at the forefront of technology, our talented teams ensure your full-stack JS development is efficient, innovative, and future-proof.


Extraordinary people, exceptional outcomes

Our outstanding team represents our greatest asset. With business acumen, we translate objectives into solutions. Intellectual agility drives efficient software development problem-solving. Superior communication ensures seamless teamwork integration. 


Deep technical expertise

We don’t claim to be experts in every framework and language. Instead, we focus on the tech ecosystems in which we excel, selecting engagements that align with our competencies for optimal results. Moreover, we offer pre-developed components and scaffolding to save you time and money.


Balancing innovation with practicality

We stay ahead of industry trends and innovations, avoiding the hype of every new technology fad. Focusing on innovations with real commercial potential, we guide you through the ever-changing tech landscape, helping you embrace proven technologies and cutting-edge advancements.


Flexibility in our approach

We offer a range of flexible working arrangements to meet your specific needs. Whether you prefer our end-to-end project delivery, embedding our experts within your teams, or consulting and retainer options, we have a solution designed to suit you.

Curotec is a Node.js development agency with a depth of experience

SaaS products

Develop and deploy Software as a Service (SaaS) applications rapidly, catering to diverse industries with the versatility of Node.js.

Enterprise applications

The architecture of Node.js is well-suited for crafting complex, data-intensive enterprise applications that require high performance and reliability.

API development

Node.js and its frameworks simplify API development, making it an excellent choice for building robust and scalable APIs to support SPAs, mobile apps, and third-party integrations.

Real-time & streaming applications

Node is ideal for building real-time applications like chat tools, video streaming, and collaboration tools where immediate data updates and interactions are crucial.

Single-page applications (SPAs)

Node helps create server-side APIs to handle backend logic for SPAs—efficient data handling between the client and server results in a seamless user experience.

Micro-services architecture

Node.js is well suited for applications with big scale and a high number of events per second. Node makes it simple to deploy multiple servers to a single micro-service.

Hire our Node.js developers across the full-stack

Node.js Frameworks

Curotec developers work with a variety of frameworks that are designed to help you develop web applications quickly and efficiently using Node.js.

  • Express.js – A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
  • Koa.js – A lightweight and expressive framework for Node.js, created by the same team behind Express.js, aiming to be smaller and more expressive.
  • Hapi.js – A rich framework for building applications and services, known for its powerful plugin system and configuration-driven approach.
  • NestJS – A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications, heavily inspired by Angular.
  • Sails.js – A framework for building Node.js applications that is similar to Ruby on Rails, designed to make it easy to build custom, enterprise-grade Node.js apps.
  • Meteor – A full-stack platform for building web and mobile apps in pure JavaScript, with integrated tools for front-end and back-end development.

API Development

We have JavaScript developers experienced in using tools and libraries that provide support for building and managing APIs with Node.js.

  • Restify – A framework specifically for building RESTful APIs in Node.js, optimized for performance and stability.
  • LoopBack – A highly extensible Node.js framework for building APIs and connecting to backend data sources.
  • Fastify – A fast and low-overhead web framework for Node.js, focusing on providing the best developer experience with a powerful plugin architecture.
  • GraphQL – A query language for your API, and a server-side runtime for executing queries by using a type system you define for your data.
  • Apollo Server – A fully-featured GraphQL server with focus on easy setup, performance, and great developer experience.
  • Actionhero – A multi-transport API server for Node.js that handles both HTTP and WebSocket requests, suitable for building scalable and reusable applications.

Database Libraries and ORMs

Curotec has deep expertise across the various libraries and tools that facilitate interaction with databases from Node.js applications.

  • Sequelize – A promise-based Node.js ORM for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server, providing a powerful toolkit for working with SQL databases.
  • TypeORM – An ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5), that can be used with various database systems such as MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and more.
  • Mongoose – An elegant MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment, providing schema-based solutions to model data.
  • Knex.js – A SQL query builder for Node.js, designed to be flexible and portable with support for various SQL databases.
  • Bookshelf.js – An ORM for Node.js built on top of Knex.js, providing a simple and elegant interface for working with SQL databases.
  • Objection.js – An SQL-friendly ORM for Node.js, built on top of Knex.js, designed to be simple to use and powerful.

Testing Frameworks and Tools

Curotec works with JS tools used for writing, running, and managing tests in Node.js applications, ensuring code quality and reliability.

  • Mocha – A feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and in the browser, making asynchronous testing simple.
  • Jest – A delightful JavaScript testing framework with a focus on simplicity, providing powerful features such as snapshot testing.
  • Chai – A BDD / TDD assertion library for Node.js and the browser that can be paired with any JavaScript testing framework.
  • Jasmine – A behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code, with no dependencies and a clean syntax.
  • Ava – A test runner for Node.js that runs tests concurrently, providing a simple and modern testing approach.
  • Supertest – A high-level abstraction for testing HTTP, providing an easy way to test APIs with an expressive syntax.

Build and Task Runners

Our engineering team is experienced in using tools to assist in automating build processes, task running, and module bundling for Node.js applications.

  • Gulp – A toolkit for automating painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow, making development faster and more efficient.
  • Grunt – A JavaScript task runner, providing a wide range of plugins to automate tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting.
  • Webpack – A powerful module bundler for JavaScript applications, allowing you to bundle JavaScript files for usage in the browser.
  • Parcel – A zero-configuration web application bundler that works with Node.js, offering fast performance and simplicity.
  • Rollup – A module bundler for JavaScript that compiles small pieces of code into something larger and more complex, supporting ES modules.
  • Babel – A JavaScript compiler that allows you to use next generation JavaScript, today, transforming ES6+ code into a backwards compatible version.

Utilities and Miscellaneous Libraries

Curotec works with utilities and libraries to provide additional functionalities, enhancing Node.js development experience and application capabilities.

  • Lodash – A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, and extras, commonly used for data manipulation.
  • Async – A utility module providing straight-forward, powerful functions for working with asynchronous JavaScript, widely used with Node.js.
  • Moment.js – A library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates in JavaScript, simplifying date handling.
  • Socket.io – A library for real-time web applications, enabling bidirectional event-based communication between web clients and servers.
  • Nodemailer – A module for Node.js applications to send emails easily, supporting various transport methods and plugins.
  • PM2 – A production process manager for Node.js applications, enabling efficient management of application processes and monitoring.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Woman with a laptop

Node.js is a highly scalable runtime environment that enables developers to build network applications. Node.js also has a vibrant ecosystem of frameworks, such as Express and Nest.js, that empower developers to build feature-rich web apps and APIs. It’s battle-tested, powering some of the largest systems at the largest companies in the world. Many developers love Node.js because it allows them to write Javascript on both the back-end and front-end of their applications.

Yes! We have a staff augmentation service model perfect for this type of need. Whether you need a Node.js engineer for a short, medium, or long-term engagement, we can contract the right person to your team, and they will adapt seamlessly to your team’s tools, processes, and workflows. 

Curotec offers a comprehensive range of Node.js services, including API development, real-time applications, scalable network applications, full-stack development, and ongoing support and maintenance tailored to meet your specific business needs.
We employ best practices, advanced design patterns, and effective load balancing where it makes sense to create scalable Node.js applications capable of handling a growing number of requests and maintaining optimal performance.
Absolutely! Node.js is an exemplary choice for real-time applications due to its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, making it ideal for creating real-time apps like chat applications, online gaming, and collaborative tools.
Node.js offers numerous benefits for backend development, including high performance, scalability, a rich ecosystem of packages, and the ability to use JavaScript for both frontend and backend development, promoting development efficiency and coherence.
Indeed, Curotec specializes in developing robust and efficient APIs using Node.js, allowing seamless communication and interaction between different software components and enabling the creation of feature-rich applications.

Ready to have a conversation?

We’re here to discuss how we can partner, sharing our knowledge and experience for your product development needs. Get started driving your business forward.

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